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Star Rose Quartz Tumble

NOK 100.00

Geological Formation of Rose Quartz

✦ Rose quartz is a variety of quartz that forms from magma cooling deep within the Earth's crust

✦ Often found in large, coarse-grained masses or as small crystalline clusters.

✦ The pink color of rose quartz is attributed to traces of titanium, iron, or manganese present during its formation

✦ Can be found in various locations worldwide, including Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, and the United States

Metaphysical Properties of Rose Quartz

✦ Believed to strengthen bonds in friendships, family relationships, and romantic partnerships

✦ Associated with promoting a sense of self-worth and confidence, helping individuals recognize their inherent value and uniqueness

✦ Soothes emotional wounds, ease heartache, and restore trust in oneself and others

✦ Known as the "Stone of Love," rose quartz is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and emotional healing

✦ Used to attract love and enhance self-love and self-acceptance

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